Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Final entry

Final entry

1.     1. What do you like about blogging?- 
        blogging make the work systematic

2.    2. What you do not like about blogging – 
        the arrangement of the site is confusing, google site is better.

3.    3. What have you gained from blogging e.g. language skills, improved thought processes, technology skills etc. How?- 
     language skills for sure improved a lot, because we tend to write reflection; as it is like a report for me; I learn on how to spell correctly with no short form, and come out with new ideas will improved thought process and I also will learn on how to blogging by changing background, and upload picture and videos.

4.    4. What do you like about this course?- 
     well, I love photo editing and download songs and movies.

5.    5. What do you not like about this course?- 
     1st, the blog itself because I prefer the write up on the paper. 2nd, the modules. The modules really tiring me and I need to buy new laptop because of it.

6.   6. What have you learnt about this course?- 
     I know about adobe photoshop CS3, audacity., moyea, how to download movie, video in faster way, how to edit pictures, how to edit songs, video.

7.    7. What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to? – 
     the modules.

8.    8. What have you expected but do not learn from this course? –
     the two books.  I used once during the discussion in week 3 if not mistaken, and during final test.